
Sustainable Development Goals


The TAGS campaign seeks to actively support and promote implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular Goal 3 on health and well-being, Goal 5 on gender equality, and Goal 13 on climate change.

These universal goals were adopted by 196 countries at the United Nations General Assembly, on 25 September 2015, as Resolution 70/1 ‘Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’.

Known as ‘Agenda 2030’ for short, this 35-page resolution sets the blueprint for a global “Plan of action for peace, planet and prosperity”. It provides a common framework for governments and peoples to take action to realise a better world by 2030:

These Goals – more recently rebranded as the Global Goals – will not be met if no-one knows about them. Communication is key and public engagement essential.

For this reason, the TAGS campaign actively promotes awareness about the Global Goals and in particular, Goals 3, 5 and 13, which it seeks to contribute to helping achieve through its efforts.

There are many great resources on the Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goal such as here and here. We are particular fans of Project Everyone’s brilliant communication resources on the Global Goals.

In particular, we enthusiastically promote Project Everyone’s resources for schools, starting with the epic World’s Largest Lesson campaign to make the goals famous.

Please get in touch with us, if you’d like to discuss a talk, workshop or partnership with your school or institution on the Global Goals and the TAGS campaign.

Email: contact@teachagirltoswim.org