
Dr Tara Shine

Dr Tara Shine is an expert in the field of climate change with a focus on climate justice.  She approaches the subject as an environmental scientist and from the perspective of the impacts of climate change on people.  Her focus is on solutions that are fair and that work for all people whether they are rich or poor. Tara has worked on environment and development issues in Africa and Asia as a consultant, researcher, lecturer and policy adviser.

Tara advises world leaders, governments, multilateral agencies and civil society organisations on climate change, environmental policy and development assistance.   She knows the inside world of the international climate change negotiations as well as the role that business and politics play in the complex geopolitics of climate change and biodiversity conservation.

Not content to work for change from behind a desk or in international conferences, Tara enjoys getting out into the wild to explore these issues first hand.  At home in any environment from the deserts of Mauritania to the rainforests of Borneo, Tara enjoys meeting people and getting their personal analysis of the challenges they face.

Tara has presented TV programmes including Brave New World with Stephen Hawking in 2011, the BBC’s  Expedition Borneo and her discovery of Nile Crocodiles in West Africa was the subject of an acclaimed BBC 2 Natural World Documentary, Lost Crocodiles of the Pharaohs.

Tara is a qualified PADI Divemaster with hundreds of dives completed in a underwater habitats around the world.

Tara’s knowledge and real world experiences from the local to the truly global, make her a sought after specialist TV presenter and engaging public speaker.