
Christiana Figueres (COSTA RICA)

Ms Christiana Figueres is an internationally recognized leader on global climate change. She was Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 2010-2016. Assuming responsibility for the international climate change negotiations after the failed Copenhagen conference of 2009, she was determined to lead the process to a universally agreed regulatory framework. Building toward that goal, she directed the successful Conferences of the Parties in Cancun 2010Durban 2011Doha 2012Warsaw 2013, and Lima 2014, and culminated her efforts in the historical Paris Agreement of 2015. Throughout her tenure Ms. Figueres brought together national and sub national governments, corporations and activists, financial institutions and communities of faith, think tanks and technology providers, NGOs and parliamentarians, to jointly deliver the unprecedented climate change agreement. For this achievement Ms. Figueres has been credited with forging a new brand of collaborative diplomacy.


She is currently the convener of Mission 2020, a global initiative that seeks to ensure the world bends the curve on greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 in order to protect the most vulnerable from the worst impacts of climate change and usher in an era of stability and prosperity. Her responsibilities also include Vice Chair of the Global Covenant of MayorsClimate Leader for the World BankDistinguished Fellow of Conservation International, Board member ofClimate Works and the World Resources Institute, member of the Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health, Non Executive Board member of ACCIONA, Advisory Board member of ENI, Fellow of DeepMind, Co-chair of the Advisory Committee of Formula E, and member of the Leadership Council of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.