Why in cases of climatic disasters "80% of the victims are women"
Drowning is the world's third largest leading cause of preventable death in children — after malnutrition and diarrhea. Malini Mehra has set out to change that. The Indian civil society activist in climate change and an adviser to the head of the UN office of Disaster Risk Reduction founded the "Teach a Girl to Swim" campaign last year.
A global campaign to teach young girls to swim aims to save them from death by drowning during extreme weather events such as flooding that are worsened by climate change...
Mum of three children (ages nine, 11, 13), Malini Mehra, 50 is determined to make 2018 a year that counts. She’s set herself a goal of swimming 500K...
SUPPORTING THE GLOBAL GOALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The TAGS campaign seeks to actively support and promote implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular Goal 3 on health and well-being, Goal 5 on gender equality, and Goal 13 on climate change. These universal goals were adopted by 196 countries at the United Nations General […]
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